Wednesday, March 4, 2020


When I was little I always heard how special I was but when I got to high school all I heard was that no one is special because of how everyone is different. I never understood why, but I never believed that. Now, that I’m older and have discovered a little bit of who I am, I know that reason. 

We are all different; that cannot be denied. So, how do each of us qualify as “special?” Simply because of our passions and experiences. 

We all have separate sets of passions. For example, mine are: writing, horror, books, Craft Fair Games, Disney, and so many more things. Nobody in the world will have every single one of the same passions. They may have some in common but not every little thing. 

Something I’ve definitely been able to notice is how people have different experiences even with the same event. An example I can use is when my grandpa, Pawpaw, passed away. I dealt with things differently than the way my other family members had. I am still dealing with them differently. At first, I wrote him letters and I turned to self-harm, but then I found Craft Fair Games and started writing more. My brother, however, turned to photography. We both dealt with the same pain and event but in the end two different solutions. 

Everyone IS special. Are you a daughter, son, mother, father, best friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc.? Yeah, I thought so. You hold  specific place in their hearts. Meaning you are special to them. Maybe not to the world, but to them yes. Why does anything else matter?

My point is, just because we are all different somewhere, somehow you’ve met or will meet someone and you will impact their life so greatly that they’ll think you’re special, because in reality, you are.