Monday, October 5, 2020

Cleaning & Decluttering

 Something I’ve found that helps when my mind is everywhere at once is to start cleaning my apartment and decluttering my tables and dresser.* ⁣

This helps me not only find things I’ve lost (🤦‍♀️), but it makes me organize the physical items in my life. That then helps me realize that I can also organize the thoughts on my head. ⁣

I mentally organize these thoughts into lists.** Those lists could be for thoughts that are negative and a list for thoughts that are positive. Or I could get deeper than that by making a list for thoughts that are caused by influences on social media or even strangers on the street and than thoughts that are brought on by people care about and that’s when I can see the positive and negatives. ⁣

My point is, by making your physical world organized and clean, it can also help you get your mental world organized and cleansed from the negatives that are weighing you down. Also, always remember that sometimes we need help with that, and there is NO shame in asking for help. The best ones of us need it! ⁣

*this tip may not work for everyone. I state my tips by my own experiences ⁣

**Sometimes it helps if I write them down on paper so I can physically see them⁣