Thursday, December 17, 2020

10 Favorite Cryptids

 Some dictionaries define the word Cryptid as an animal whose existence is unsubstantiated. Basically a cryptid is an animal that has mythological and/or paranormal qualities. 

There are a lot of them out there, so I decided to make a list of my top 10 favorites, with pictures. I am not going to describe them, but the pictures will show you what they are. 

Have you seen any of these? 👀


 northern forests of Nova Scotia, the East Coast of Canada, and Great Lakes Region of Canada and the United States


Point Pleasant, West Virginia

Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp

Lee County, South Carolina

Jersey Devil

Southern New Jersey and Philadelphia

Loch Ness Monster (Nessie) 



Mount St. Helen's, Washington 

Dover Demon

Dover, Massachusetts



Nandi Bear

East Africa


Tanzanian Island of Pemba



Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Movie Marathon- Christmastime

With the weather dreary and COVID on the loose, why not cuddle inside with a nice blanket, some popcorn, and watching some Christmas movies? I personally do not watch a lot of Christmas themed films, however, I wanted to give you an idea for a movie marathon to get you in the Christmas spirit. Or at least give you something to do.😄 

*May contain spoilers*

The Santa Clause 

After Santa falls off his roof, Scott Calvin (Tim Allen)  must make the decision to put on the suit. Once he does, his life is changed. Without a Santa Christmas will cease to exist, it's up to Scott to save it. With Christmas at risk does Calvin make the ultimate decision?

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

Chevy Chase returns as the beloved character Clark Griswold. Clark wants to have the perfect family Christmas, however, leave to the Griswold's, everything goes awry. Be prepared for laughs. 


After finding out he isn't a real elf, Buddy (Will Ferrell) travels to New York City to find his biological father (James Caan). However, things don't go as planned. As it is, Buddy's father doesn't have Christmas spirit and Buddy finds out there are a lot of those who don't have it. With Christmas at risk of losing it's magic, Buddy must find a way to save the holiday and connect with his father.


Anna Kendrick stars as Noelle, the daughter of Santa. After Santa passes away, Noelle must help her brother become the new Santa. However, it doesn't go as planned. Will Noelle's Christmas spirit be enough to turn her brother into Santa or is she destined for something else?

The Polar Express

The Polar Express is captivating film about a magical train travelling to the North Pole. Based on the book by Chris Van Allsburg, the film follows the train and the children it picks up on the adventure of a lifetime to see Santa take off on Christmas Eve to deliver the gifts. 

The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

This film follows the four Pevensies as they travel to a country house during the bombing of London in World War 2. Lucy (Georgie Henley), the youngest of the four, finds a magical wardrobe taking her to the world of Narnia. There she learns the White Witch (Tilda Swinton) has taken over Narnia and made an everlasting winter. The four Pevensies must take their place in the prophecy and join forces with Aslan the lion, voiced by Liam Neeson. Together they must defeat the White Witch. Based on the novel(s) by C.S. Lewis

Monday, December 14, 2020

5 Haunted Places in the United States

I've watched horror movies since I was three and I have always believed ghosts. Since I also love researching and finding out facts and history, I wanted to tell you about the five places I find most fascinating. From Asylums to a cemetery and even a prison, these are just a few of the haunted, mysterious places I discovered. 

*These are in no specific order*

Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum 
Weston, West Virginia

Opened in 1864 and originally designed to house 250 patients. In the 1950's, however, the asylum held 2,400. Many treatments, or rather tortures, took place. Such things as lobotomies, dental implements, electro-shock therapy, and many others. The asylum finally closed in 1994. 

Waverly Hills Sanatorium 
Louisville, Kentucky

The original building was opened as a schoolhouse in 1883 until the Board of Tuberculosis Hospital bought it. They expanded the building to house 40-50 tuberculosis patients which then opened in 1910. In 1924 another expansion became needed when it began housing over 140 people. The new building soon opened in 1926 and could house 400+ patients. The hospital then closed in 1961 after the tuberculosis antibiotic, streptomycin, was introduced in 1943 and the hospitals residency dropped. 

Winchester Mystery House
San Jose, California

Sarah Winchester, widow of William Winchester, moved west from her home in New Haven after the death of her husband and infant child. Sarah had went to a Boston medium who claimed they were channeling Sarah's late husband, William. The medium had Sarah to believe that William wanted her to build a house for herself and the victims of the Winchester Rifles. Sarah done just that and she began in 1884 by buying an unfinished farmhouse. Sarah had only one working bathroom in a house of roughly 161 rooms, including 40 bedrooms, and even 2 ballrooms (one being unfinished). She kept only one toilet working because she wanted to "confuse the ghosts." Also in doing so, she slept in a different room each night. Sarah Winchester never stopped building her mansion up into her death in 1922.

Oakland Cemetery 
Atlanta, Georgia

Being founded in 1850, there is sure to be some residential ghosts in this Atlanta cemetery. In fact, some reports tell of confederate soldiers being seen roaming the area and even hanging from trees. Let's also note that this cemetery is the resting place of such names as Margaret Mitchell, Bishop Wesley John Gaines, and Bobby Jones, plus more. 

Eastern State Penitentiary 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 

Opening in 1829 Eastern State Penitentiary, or ESP, is reportedly the most haunted prison in the United States. It is on every list of "haunted places" to be found, and apparently this list is no different. It houses several ghosts that have made themselves known by passing through as shadow people and even letting their voices be heard. For eight months, from 1929-1930, this prison was the home of the famous gangster Al "Scarface" Capone. The penitentiary eventually closed in 1971.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Journal Prompts

I've  learned that my prayer journaling isn't always enough when it comes to calming my anxiety during certain times. So now, I've begun another journal. This one is just to reflect on specific things.⁣

⁣But what things was I supposed to reflect on? I had no idea. So I done some googling and combined a few gratitude prompts with things that are more specific and reflective. ⁣

I hope these help those who are having a block on what to write about:

  • Reflect on your favorite place
  • List you favorite Instagram accounts or write about a specific one
  • 3 songs you love (why)
  • things you love about nature
  • 3-5 things you are grateful for today
  • Quotes that you love or have helped you in some way
  • things you love about your body
  • Talk about your day 
  • What do your fear (why)
  • Write a letter to your past self
  • What skills are you thankful for
  • What have you taken for granted
  • Talk about your favorite YouTube channels or write about a specific one
  • Write a letter to your mental illness or to a fear
  • Favorite childhood memory
  • Write a letter to your future self 
  • Things you should forgive yourself for (do you forgive yourself?)
  • List or write about the family and friends you are thankful for
  • When was a time someone made you smile (stranger or otherwise)
  • 3 books you have recently finished reading (did you enjoy them?)
  • How, when, where, do you feel safe
  • Write about how you are feeling right now
  • Things you love about your personality
  • Most recent thing you have learned about yourself
  • What accomplishments are you most proud of
  • Your proudest moment
  • Write a letter to an old friend