Saturday, February 9, 2019


Even as an adult have had people ask me to promise I’ll do something
or to promise I won’t. I even ask people to make promises.
Usually it’s just keeping themselves safe, but that’s a different story.
The more I think about asking people to make promises, the more
I thought to myself, “why do I ask them to keep the promise?”
Promises are like a sacred thing. As a matter of fact,
you promise to love a person until death do you part when you
marry someone. You make that promise in front of the “eyes of God,”
but yet so many marriages end in divorce. Two best friends make
a promise to be “friends forever,” but yet the friendship does end in
many situations.
Maybe we ask each other to promise something because
we’re scared and we need that reassurance. Maybe we
do it to make ourselves feel better or maybe the other person. I stopped making
promises. I can’t let anyone down if I don’t promise them. Just like
nobody can let me down if they don’t promise me. If you feel like
you can’t keep a promise, don’t make one. That goes for any situation.
If you want to marry someone, then take them for better or worse,
until death do you part. Don’t make a promise of marriage because
you like the idea of getting married. If you have a best friend,
don’t promise to be friends forever, just be there. Prove that you’re
there for the long run.

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