Friday, February 1, 2019


Recently, I’ve had many worries. I’ve had to go awhile without
my paycheck. I have been worried with bills, food for not
only myself but also my dog. I have worried if people care
about me. I have worried if I had true friends or not. Honestly,
my mind has just been everywhere and to be more honest it still is.
I have too many worries to list.

These worries Have made me forget about the many blessings I have
in my life. Even the things I don’t really think about are blessings.
From a roof being over my head to clothes on back even to a
phone I can use to connect with the people who care about me.
It’s not just the worries that distract me from my blessings. It is also
going out with friends or family. When I’ve went out with my friends
I didn’t realize how lucky I was to have someone there.
Some people have absolutely no one.

My worries and my distractions have out a filter over my blessings.
I have been wrapped in my worries that I forget I have people
there I can talk to, my distractions. The distractions make me forget
I have other blessings. However, some of those distractions
are blessings as well. I made a list of my blessings. Remember,
not all distractions are healthy ones. Some of them make you
forget who you truly are and your own beliefs. Look for the ones
that are right for you.

  • Family
  • My dog
  • Food
  • A home
  • Friends? (Personal thing)
  • Running Water
  • Shoes
  • Winter Clothes

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