Friday, April 12, 2019

Unbroken (My Open Prayer)

Dear God,

You took Pawpaw away from me. How could you? How could you take away the only person I had? Don't you know what he means to me?

At least that's what I used to say, huh? God, I kind of know why. Because you needed him. You needed someone who would tell contradicting poems to the angels. I understand that. You also needed my family to feel that hurt.

God, I know I've stepped away and turned my back on you. I let the world have me and I ask you to forgive me. I ask you to cleanse my soul. Only you can.

The scars on my body are ugly reminders of my unfaithfulness, God. Will you fade them away? And please let me be washed in the blood of Jesus instead of my own. Please help continue tasting the bitterness of alcohol and not the sweetness that numbed my body.

Heavenly Father, I pray to you to also help my family. Not just the relationships I have with them, but also the ones they have with each other. Help them with each of their own sufferings and doubts. Help Nana and Melanie, Uncle Michael and RieRie, Amber and Cody, Aaron (God help him), Mommy and Daddy, Brother and Samantha. Even the distant family that I do not constantly talk to or about. You know their needs more than anyone. Dear God, if they need to know you and your son please allow them to open their hearts to you.

Dear God, I forgive the ones who have hurt me. If any them need your love, open their hearts as well.

God, Thank you for giving me my second chance. Thank you for putting your hand in the darkness and pulling me out. My life is your hands. I surrender to you. My walls are down, and God, thank you for making me unbroken.

In your Heavenly name,


1 comment:

  1. Miranda this is awesome. You do have a way with words. Love you baby girl.
