Friday, May 24, 2019

May's Last Monday

In the late 1860's, many town spread across the states had begun tributes in the spring. Those tributes were for the fallen soldiers of the Civil War. These tributes gradually became known as Memorial Day and unlike today where we honor all soldiers, in the 1860's this tribute was solely for those who lost their live in the Civil War. It wasn't until World War One that the United States started honoring all of those who fell during all the wars on Memorial Day.

May 5, 1868 was the day General John A. Logan, the leader of an organization for Northern Civil War veterans, declared that May 30th would be used as the day to put flowers on the graves of the fallen. However, in 1968 Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which took effect in 1971. This act declared that the last Monday in May is Memorial Day and which, that created a three day weekend for federal employees. This act also declared Memorial Day to be a federal holiday.

Waterloo, New York was declared the official birthplace of Memorial Day in 1966. Waterloo first began the celebration on May 5, 1866 and it was declared the birthplace because of the fact it hosted a community wide event where businesses closed and everyone put flowers and flags upon the fallen's graves.

Remember, Memorial Day is meant to remember the ones who have fallen in battle and whether you like history or not, also remember "some gave all."

Journey Through Freedom

I always heard from my peers and the others around me say that "this is a free country; I have the freedom to say or do whatever I want." One question I always asked myself, 'What does freedom really mean?' Freedom can be defined in one simple word, independence. One can interpret that into saying that it makes you independent person if you can live by yourself. That may be true, but I use it in a way that's completely different. As Dave Workman stated, "Freedom isn't free." Although this quote was originally a song from an old movie, it is still true and can be said to describe our country even still today.

Freedom was important even when the first voyage to America took place. The pilgrims wanted to escape Great Britain for religious freedom. Once they got the religious freedom, they then wanted political independence, which stated before is a synonym for "freedom," we also win that fight. Yes, we got them through a war or battle but we got them and so, even back then we needed an army. Back then it was a cavalry or army but now we know them as the United States Armed Force's.

The five branches of the United States Armed Force's are what follows: Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard fight for freedom; either in the air, water, on the land, or all three. They fight and they stand for what the believe in and love. They risk their lives everyday, and some lost their lives, but Americans do not seem to realize what a big part they really play in keeping it. Armed Force's recruits work hard and do not receive the respect they deserve in doing so. They are well trained to do the best they can in order to protect the freedom and Jim Walsh states that, "The U.S. Armed Force's are the best trained, best equipped fighting forces in the world." 

Many countries must worry if they even have the money, willpower, and strength to even carry on through the night and day. We may not have the best economy or the best town and cities but, "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty." quoted by former president John F. Kennedy, rings true. We as a nation, with the freedom that formed Armed Force's recruits achieved for the country they love, will stand up and fight to protect it. No matter the odds the United States of America will not stand down.

The veterans of this country have even more fear due to the fact that people doubt this land is free. They call this home, but yet veterans still do not get the respect they deserve for helping us get what we have today. Freedom for them does not just mean to get away from adult supervision or to be to play your music as loud as you want. It means to actually go outside and not worry about the government killing you or taking you away because you do not believe the same ways as them. That is what "freedom" is to them. "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." This quote from Thomas Jefferson tells that it may be difficult for the veterans to just come home and be free.

Freedom is the standing point of our country and it will still be no matter what happens. Children of the future need to know who provides that freedom. It is not the president nor the ordinary people of this country. It was and still is the brave men and women of the United States Army, Coast Guard, Navy, and Marine Corps, they are the ones that fight, they are the ones who risk and have risked their lives. They are strong, brave, will powered, and amazing for standing together to fight for their home.

My views on veterans and soldiers will always be the same. It's like Father Dennis O' Brien once wrote, "It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not organizer, who gave us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag. And whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag." The soldier is the who who fought for our freedom long ago and the he or she who is still fighting today. No matter how long I live or the short time I have, I will not forget one simple word: "freedom!" 

Friday, May 10, 2019

A Time to Write

I'm going to start this off by telling that I've gotten some funny looks when people hear that my brother and I write each other letters. The recent experience was with a friend in which I have parted ways with. I had told him that I had received a letter from my brother who lives in North Carolina. The friend had look at as if I was a being from a different planet. Finally, he replied,
"Why don't you just call or text?"
I sighed, it wasn't the first time I've been quizzed on us writing letters, "Because letters are fun and more meaningful."
I was replied with a head shake that I could only take as a "whatever" and he had said something about how calling or texting is easier.

I agree, technology has made it easier and quicker to keep in touch with everyone, but that's just it. It's easy, it's fast. Yes, a text or phone call can have meaning, but hear me out...

Someone is sitting down with pen or pencil and paper. They are sitting there trying to think of the perfect words to physically write to you. Someone is taking the time to send you a letter in their handwriting. A letter you can keep for as long as you wish. You don't have to worry about a social media account or a computer or phone crashing.

Handwritten letters mean so much more than messages on a screen. We've let technology take away our sentiment and patience. If you want to write someone a letter, but you think it's silly or stupid, just write and send it; you could also hand deliver. I bet the recipients face will light up with joy because of the fact you took the time to write it.  The time to write, is now.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Miraculum: Object of Wonder

By definition, a miracle is basically an event that cannot be explained by science. I took this to social media. I asked my friends on Facebook what their own personal definition of the word "miracle" is. All of them said that a miracle is a gift from God.

A miracle is not just one thing. A miracle can be something simple like passing a test. It can also be something more complex like seeing a loved or or even yourself healed from cancer. My Facebook friends told me of the things they see as miracles. While most said their children and other members of family in their lives, healing of cancer or some other illness, I had a few say that the things of nature are miracles. I even had a few say technological advances in healthcare, friends, love, and life itself is miracle.

Personally, I can't really comment of the kids part. After all, I'm just a 22 year old, single girl, but from seeing and hearing of the many struggles of people trying to have children, I can agree with that just as I do all the other miracles my friends listed. One of the friends that responded said that the fact she is still alive is a miracle. I don't know the exact situation she was talking of, but it really hit home. It hit home because it made me remember that me being alive is a miracle as well. I remember being in a very dark place. A place so dark, I wouldn't want my worst enemy, if I was to have one, ever have to be there. I didn't want to see the next day, but I still kept fighting.

In that moment I realized that God giving me my second chance is a miracle He allowed me to have. I thought more about miracles He has given me and the list keeps getting longer. From a pet that helps my emotional breakdowns to rain. From a quote I read at just the right moment to my family. The presence of God and His miracles, His blessings, are everywhere.

Of course the greatest Miraculum (Latin of miracle, meaning "object of wonder") of Jesus Christ. The man God sent to die on a cross for OUR sins. His son. I don't have children, but I wouldn't give up my only son to die for anyone, much less people who would possibly deny me. That's where God's miracle of love comes in. He loves each of us so much He would sacrifice that for us. Just with that fact I am more than willing to surrender and let God take charge of my life. I am ready to see what other miracles He has in my story book. Are you ready?