Friday, May 10, 2019

A Time to Write

I'm going to start this off by telling that I've gotten some funny looks when people hear that my brother and I write each other letters. The recent experience was with a friend in which I have parted ways with. I had told him that I had received a letter from my brother who lives in North Carolina. The friend had look at as if I was a being from a different planet. Finally, he replied,
"Why don't you just call or text?"
I sighed, it wasn't the first time I've been quizzed on us writing letters, "Because letters are fun and more meaningful."
I was replied with a head shake that I could only take as a "whatever" and he had said something about how calling or texting is easier.

I agree, technology has made it easier and quicker to keep in touch with everyone, but that's just it. It's easy, it's fast. Yes, a text or phone call can have meaning, but hear me out...

Someone is sitting down with pen or pencil and paper. They are sitting there trying to think of the perfect words to physically write to you. Someone is taking the time to send you a letter in their handwriting. A letter you can keep for as long as you wish. You don't have to worry about a social media account or a computer or phone crashing.

Handwritten letters mean so much more than messages on a screen. We've let technology take away our sentiment and patience. If you want to write someone a letter, but you think it's silly or stupid, just write and send it; you could also hand deliver. I bet the recipients face will light up with joy because of the fact you took the time to write it.  The time to write, is now.

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