Thursday, May 2, 2019

Miraculum: Object of Wonder

By definition, a miracle is basically an event that cannot be explained by science. I took this to social media. I asked my friends on Facebook what their own personal definition of the word "miracle" is. All of them said that a miracle is a gift from God.

A miracle is not just one thing. A miracle can be something simple like passing a test. It can also be something more complex like seeing a loved or or even yourself healed from cancer. My Facebook friends told me of the things they see as miracles. While most said their children and other members of family in their lives, healing of cancer or some other illness, I had a few say that the things of nature are miracles. I even had a few say technological advances in healthcare, friends, love, and life itself is miracle.

Personally, I can't really comment of the kids part. After all, I'm just a 22 year old, single girl, but from seeing and hearing of the many struggles of people trying to have children, I can agree with that just as I do all the other miracles my friends listed. One of the friends that responded said that the fact she is still alive is a miracle. I don't know the exact situation she was talking of, but it really hit home. It hit home because it made me remember that me being alive is a miracle as well. I remember being in a very dark place. A place so dark, I wouldn't want my worst enemy, if I was to have one, ever have to be there. I didn't want to see the next day, but I still kept fighting.

In that moment I realized that God giving me my second chance is a miracle He allowed me to have. I thought more about miracles He has given me and the list keeps getting longer. From a pet that helps my emotional breakdowns to rain. From a quote I read at just the right moment to my family. The presence of God and His miracles, His blessings, are everywhere.

Of course the greatest Miraculum (Latin of miracle, meaning "object of wonder") of Jesus Christ. The man God sent to die on a cross for OUR sins. His son. I don't have children, but I wouldn't give up my only son to die for anyone, much less people who would possibly deny me. That's where God's miracle of love comes in. He loves each of us so much He would sacrifice that for us. Just with that fact I am more than willing to surrender and let God take charge of my life. I am ready to see what other miracles He has in my story book. Are you ready?

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