Wednesday, June 16, 2021

2011 Me: A Letter

 Dear me,

    Today you starting your first year of high school. It's not going to be bad today, but I'd like to give you advice that I wish I had known or events I wish I had known about when I was you. These four things will not only help you in school, but life itself.

    One: If you don't understand something, ASK. You're probably not the only one who is confused. There are literally no stupid questions. Even if you ask the question and someone does call you dumb for it, you're not. You just don't grasp things as easily as the person who said something. However, you will be the braver one. Because instead of putting someone down for not understanding something (which I'm sure they've not understood something either), you spoke up and not only helped yourself, but maybe to more shy classmate in the back of the class.    

    Two: On October 29th, your world will change. You know it was already changing, but this day things change as if it were a TV show. On October 31st, yes, Halloween, Pawpaw will be buried. Your hero. My hero. Our hero. He has cancer and has been hiding it. You will be crushed. You feel as if the life has been taken out of you and you MUST let that show. You must show your emotions. Feel them. It's okay. You do not have to be the strong one. You are the youngest, but you are not the strongest one. None of you, us, are the "strongest" one. 

    Three: Join clubs, speak to people, even the so-called popular crowd. I promise you, even though we didn't listen to Mommy about this, it's true that the "popular crowd" are just like you. They have insecurities, they have battles within themselves that they tell no one about. They're just trying to make it through high school, through life, just as you are. Being popular means nothing, but being yourself and showing who you are is everything.

    Four: It's not high school you miss, it's the memories you made and could have made that you miss. What would have happened if you did join a club or spoke to more people? It's seeing your classmates laughing in the halls with their friends to their inside jokes. It's the pep rallies where all grades are gathered and you get to see generations coming together. It's the dance you don't go to or the one you do. It's the smile of your favorite teacher. 

    You'll still learn a lot after graduating. You'll laugh and cry, even laugh until you cry. Just make a promise to remember the people who grew up with you. 


You (MSHS 2015 graduate)

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