Tuesday, December 18, 2018

First Post

Hello, everyone! Welcome to my first blog, post, thingy. I’m not really sure what to call it. I’m also not sure what to put in my first one either, so I will just tell you what my posts will be about. 

I will be writing about my favorite books, movies, TV shows, songs, and so many more of those things. I will also be writing about different things I’ve read about and my views on different subjects. I’m open to read and learn about anything. I will always try, within reason, different things. I also want to write about things that have happened recently like me moving, Christmas, a trip I’ve been on. Also, I will be writing about my memories. 

 Enough with all the boring stuff, I am hoping to post at least once a week, maybe twice. As of right now, this is it for this one. I hope you enjoy my future posts; stay strong.

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