Friday, December 28, 2018

Keeping Faith

Faith is my middle name, so I always have it.
I know that’s a bad joke but it does help me remember to keep it.
Everything happens for a reason whether it’s good or bad.
Good things remind you the reason to keep going and
bad things help make you stronger.
It’s God’s way of keeping us on our toes.

I was raised in a Christian home, Baptist, to be a little more specific.
I was taught that Jesus is our savior and that
He died on the cross for our sins.
With that being said, I’m not closed minded when it comes to religion.
I’m not saying Catholics are wrong just like I’m not saying
Muslim’s, Jew’s, Pagan’s, and every other person is wrong for
their beliefs.

You must decide for yourself what you believe.
Just because you grew up in a home that is Baptist does not mean
you have to continue it. You’ll still have the respect for them in your
heart but you are allowed to discover who and what you are.
I, myself, am still figuring out what I believe, but because I have
studied about many other religions and god’s,
even the Greek and Egyptian gods,
I have an idea of what other people believe. I think that alone,
makes me respect their heritage and just them as humans.
I have an insight of their history and that is
one of the most amazing things to me.

Lastly, you don’t have to be “religious.”
There are so many people who like to kind of force the term
“religious” on everyone. They tell you that you HAVE to believe
this or that and you HAVE to do this and you cannot do that.
If you have faith that you will pass your test or if you have faith
that your car won’t stall going over train tracks,
then that’s all you need. Faith isn’t one thing.
It’s knowing and hoping that you will do or experience
something positive. You are allowed to go and find your
own way and your own faith.

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