Friday, December 21, 2018

Sun Sets and Rises

Being little and starting school is scary but it also gives you chance
to meet people, to make friends. I feel like when your just starting school
everyone is so easy to get along with. Sure, we all had the people we liked to
hang out with more than others, but that’s just the way things go.
All in all everyone was classified as a “friend.”

One day however, you must start growing. You must discover your likes and
dislikes, what makes you happy, what makes you sad, and so much more.
It takes a lot to discover who you are and even as adults we learn new things
about ourselves. Sometimes, that means we have to branch out and meet
new people, make new friends, and maybe step away from the old ones.
After high school, you will meet some amazing new people.
People that will become your friend. Then, you will graduate from college or get
a new job and then you may lose contact with them. If you do, don’t feel upset
about it, you may get back in contact with them, you may not.
You may even find someone you went to high school with.

You will learn, if you haven’t already, that people come and go as often as
the sun rises and sets. Not everything is going to last forever.
It is up to you to embrace that and to never take a friendship or experience for
granted because each one is special and each one is a memory.

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