Friday, January 25, 2019

The Golden Rule

In school and almost everywhere else, we are taught the “Golden Rule.”
It is the idea, in short, that you should treat others the way you would
want to be treated. So, if you would want people to treat you with
respect and be kind to you, you should treat them the same
and so you would get that in return.

Many people do treat others with kindness, but there is also those
who do not. I have noticed that those are the people who do
not treat themselves with kindness.
The “Golden Rule” does not have to
be just with other people, but also with yourself. You get angered,
saddened, and even disappointed when someone else speaks
down to you, but you are even harder on yourself.

You are worth so much more than you give yourself credit for.
Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you.
Treat yourself with kindness and respect. It is a lot easier
said than done; I know because I am one is harder on
myself than anything, but I also try. I try to say at least
one thing positive to myself everyday. I try to eat healthy, which
my body will thank me for not putting greasy food in it.
I try to write and read for my brain. I try to do all of these things
that I feel are “respecting” my body while I try to stay away from
the things that are bad, which would be “disrespecting” it.

Remember, it does not take a genius to know the Golden Rule
and the Golden Rule starts with using it on yourself.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Juice Boxes and Nap Times

When you are little, you think you have the world figured out,
or at least that’s what I thought. Everything is so simple when all you
have to worry about are juice boxes and nap times.
The world is so bright and colorful. Nothing bad ever happens.

However, that couldn’t be more wrong. The world is much more
complex than adults let us think.
Bad things do happen. It doesn’t matter if you’re a good or bad person,
you will experience obstacles. The world is full of bad people.
Today, it is only getting worse. What can we do to fix it?
We can start with telling the truth.
We can’t try to pretend that bad things do not happen.
Bullying, racism, sexism, homophobia, murder, and so many other terrible
things do exist, but we cannot just ban everything that may “offend” someone. We cannot just turn the channel
when the news comes on. We cannot just close the blinds when a fight breaks out. We cannot just turn the lights out and leave when a fire starts.
We have to face it head on or it will still be there.
Banning something because it’s offensive is just ignoring it; that’s letting hate win.

I was taught to stand up for what I believe in, not erase it or try to send it off.
I know many others have been taught the same way or they have
learned it for themselves. One voice may not be able to change the world
completely but it is enough to start something.
It is enough to draw attention to something. Bad things are not just
happening and escalating because people are getting “offended”
or because there are just “bad people” out there.
Bad things are happening because we are allowing them to by running
from them and not facing them head on.

Think about the times all you had to worry about are juice boxes and
nap times. They were so much simpler, right?
Now, the children do not have the childhood.
Yes, times are changing, but why take away the things YOU
loved doing as a child. Many of you grew up watching and
listening to the things you have now “banned.”
Many of you have taken away the meanings of
childhood and other things. Children cannot be sheltered from the
things that the world has no matter what we do.
Without the bad and the lessons we learn,
what would be the point of the good and feeling after facing the obstacle?

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Top 18 Horror Movies

Horror is my favorite movie genre. There’s something about the unknown and things that can’t be explained. Mostly, it’s the slasher films though.
So, I have a lot more than eighteen favorite horror movies, these
are just from the top of my head. Please remember that these are in no particular order.

  1. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
  2. Child’s Play (1988)
  3. Bride of Chucky (1998)
  4. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
  5. New Nightmare (1994)
  6. Friday the 13th (1980)
  7. Seance (2006)
  8. Mirrors (2008)
  9. 1408 (2007)
  10. 5ive Girls (2006)
  11. Fingerprints (2006)
  12. Pet Sematary (1989)
  13. 2001 Maniacs (2005)
  14. Stay Alive (2006)
  15. One Missed Call (2008)
  16. Ouija (2014)
  17. Insidious (2010)
  18. The Conjuring (2013)

Friday, January 11, 2019

You're Not Special

When I was little I always how I was special,
but when I got to high school all I heard was
no one is special because of how different everyone is.
At the time, I didn’t agree with what was said in high school
and I still do not. Now that I’m older and I’ve discovered a little bit
of who I am and I’ve experienced meeting
more and more people, I have finally found the reason I
do not agree with the high school lesson.

Everyone is special. Are you a daughter? A son? Sister?
Mother? Father? Friend? Yes, you are and you
hold a place in someone’s heart. A place only you belong.
A place no one else can ever fill because you have
something inside you that nobody else has. You are special to
that person who has the place in their heart.

We are all different, that much I agree with.
So, how do we each stand out as “special?”
Simply, our passions, experiences, and emotions.
We all of separate sets of passions.
For example, mine are: writing, horror, Disney,
and so many more things make up who I am.
Nobody will ever have the same exact passions as you
and even if they do, they’ll like something more than
you or something less. They may, for example, like writing,
but I love poetry and they may prefer novels or short stories.

Something I have definitely been able to notice is how people
have different experiences and emotions, even if it is the same event.
An example I can use is when my grandpa, Pawpaw, passed away.
He as the world to me, but I did not cry at his funeral.
Not because it didn’t hurt, but for my own personal reasons.
I saw everyone else shed tears. I, however,
dealt with my pain through writing and other things that basically
kept me distracted. I’m not one-hundred percent sure what
other’s in my family do or done but I know the weren’t the exact
thing I have done and do.

My point is this, just because we are all different, somewhere,
somehow, you have met or you will meet someone that
will impact your life or you have theirs so greatly that they will
refer to you as special. Even my ex-friends are special to me
because of the memories I have with them and because
I know the things they like. One loves snow globes,
another The Little Mermaid, and another racing.
That is all special to me because of the impact they
have made in my life. You will hear that you’re not special,
but in reality, you are very much.

Friday, January 4, 2019


Recently, I’ve had some...let’s say setbacks with money.
The company who pays me is dealing with some issues of their
system. So, that means no paycheck for me and
probably a lot of other people.  I’ll be honest,
I’ve had a few emotional breakdowns because I feel like
I’ve failed or something.
Even though, I’ve done what I could,
the system is the one that needs fixed, not me.

The more I thought, the more I prayed, the more I realized,
I have people who will help me anyway they can. I
have food in my cabinets and I have clean clothes to wear.
I can’t really complain all that much, but even more, I thought.
I thought about the other people who didn’t get paid.
The mothers and fathers. The people with kids to take care of.
What if someone who didn’t get paid is a single parent
and this job is their only income?
They have rent, power, and so many other things to pay for.
I live with just my dog. I can feed her left overs of the
many things in my cabinet if I had to.

I’m not saying I’m on my last bit of anything,
I’m saying that we should all remember our blessings.
That things could be a lot worse than what they actually are.
Just because I didn’t get paid for a little while,
doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world.
It just means that there is a roadblock on the
highway of life. It’s easy to get caught up in the traffic.
You just have to try to keep moving and make your way around it.
Even if that means taking the long way.

Enjoy the view while you’re at it.