Friday, January 11, 2019

You're Not Special

When I was little I always how I was special,
but when I got to high school all I heard was
no one is special because of how different everyone is.
At the time, I didn’t agree with what was said in high school
and I still do not. Now that I’m older and I’ve discovered a little bit
of who I am and I’ve experienced meeting
more and more people, I have finally found the reason I
do not agree with the high school lesson.

Everyone is special. Are you a daughter? A son? Sister?
Mother? Father? Friend? Yes, you are and you
hold a place in someone’s heart. A place only you belong.
A place no one else can ever fill because you have
something inside you that nobody else has. You are special to
that person who has the place in their heart.

We are all different, that much I agree with.
So, how do we each stand out as “special?”
Simply, our passions, experiences, and emotions.
We all of separate sets of passions.
For example, mine are: writing, horror, Disney,
and so many more things make up who I am.
Nobody will ever have the same exact passions as you
and even if they do, they’ll like something more than
you or something less. They may, for example, like writing,
but I love poetry and they may prefer novels or short stories.

Something I have definitely been able to notice is how people
have different experiences and emotions, even if it is the same event.
An example I can use is when my grandpa, Pawpaw, passed away.
He as the world to me, but I did not cry at his funeral.
Not because it didn’t hurt, but for my own personal reasons.
I saw everyone else shed tears. I, however,
dealt with my pain through writing and other things that basically
kept me distracted. I’m not one-hundred percent sure what
other’s in my family do or done but I know the weren’t the exact
thing I have done and do.

My point is this, just because we are all different, somewhere,
somehow, you have met or you will meet someone that
will impact your life or you have theirs so greatly that they will
refer to you as special. Even my ex-friends are special to me
because of the memories I have with them and because
I know the things they like. One loves snow globes,
another The Little Mermaid, and another racing.
That is all special to me because of the impact they
have made in my life. You will hear that you’re not special,
but in reality, you are very much.

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