Friday, January 4, 2019


Recently, I’ve had some...let’s say setbacks with money.
The company who pays me is dealing with some issues of their
system. So, that means no paycheck for me and
probably a lot of other people.  I’ll be honest,
I’ve had a few emotional breakdowns because I feel like
I’ve failed or something.
Even though, I’ve done what I could,
the system is the one that needs fixed, not me.

The more I thought, the more I prayed, the more I realized,
I have people who will help me anyway they can. I
have food in my cabinets and I have clean clothes to wear.
I can’t really complain all that much, but even more, I thought.
I thought about the other people who didn’t get paid.
The mothers and fathers. The people with kids to take care of.
What if someone who didn’t get paid is a single parent
and this job is their only income?
They have rent, power, and so many other things to pay for.
I live with just my dog. I can feed her left overs of the
many things in my cabinet if I had to.

I’m not saying I’m on my last bit of anything,
I’m saying that we should all remember our blessings.
That things could be a lot worse than what they actually are.
Just because I didn’t get paid for a little while,
doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world.
It just means that there is a roadblock on the
highway of life. It’s easy to get caught up in the traffic.
You just have to try to keep moving and make your way around it.
Even if that means taking the long way.

Enjoy the view while you’re at it.

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