Saturday, August 17, 2019


Dear Everyone That Grew Up in A Small Town (Marion, Va):

Whether you were best friends, friends, acquaintances, or even if you never talked to the people you went to school with, be so proud of how far all of you have come. After all, you each have our owns paths and you each have your own destiny, however, you all grew up in the same place at the same time. I find it incredible, amazing, and breathtaking to be able to say that I grew up with other people from a small town. All of them. 

Even if some of us never talk again or even if we never talked in the past, we have all shaped each other in some way. And even though, most of us HATED our school years, we all have to admit that we all have some great memories during them. 

Let’s promise that no matter where we are right now and no matter where we end up, we always remember the place we come from. Whether we dislike some of the people, the town, school, or anything else, we have to say that these things, positive or negative, have shaped who we are and what we stand up for. Each of us have created our own lives based on where we’re from. Whether it be we want to move away or learn how to love the place we come from. 

Our lives began with the same small town, but some of them have ended and will need in different places and times, but we are connected with one place. Let’s not forget that. 


The One That hated this place,
But now knows it’s where her story started. 

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