Friday, August 30, 2019

The Color We Bleed

The hard fact is that we live in a world that seems to focus on gender, race, religion, weight, and sexuality. An even harder fact is that this world uses it as a valid excuse to hate and tear everyone down. People only seem to use our differences as a negative factor. However, our differences are a positive factor to new opportunities.

If you would look into a persons eyes, I'm sure you would see the different sparks of emotions. Maybe you would see how the light dances like stars when they talk about a favorite movie or book. Maybe that stranger could see how brightly your eyes shine when you talk about your wife, husband, or kids. You could see how your words of hate hurt the person if you would really look into their eyes. After all, the eyes are windows to the soul.

Sit and speak to a person of a different culture or religion. Let their lips tell of their home and ancestors. Listen to their beliefs of many things and their dreams and hopes. Maybe they'll tell you of their talents or show you. Their words may just turn into a beautiful melody in their native tongue.

Allow the hands of a stranger to show you how to create a beautiful piece of artwork. Maybe one you've never seen or heard of before. Pottery decorated in Chinese lettering and scenery or maybe a dream catcher based of Native American stories.

You see, if you open your heart, instead of only your eyes, you'll see that just because we are different, it does not mean that we're not all the same. In midst of learning about them, you may even learn about yourself. You'll also find that we probably all have the same dreams and hopes for the world. Besides, we all bleed red.

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