Monday, March 11, 2019


I was told a while ago that when I start bettering myself, I will lose people. I finally see what that person meant because I have done just that. Events of the night before I lost some friends, opened my eyes. They opened my eyes to what I really needed. I realized that I didn't need to heal just mentally but also spiritually. I needed to heal my faith.

Those events happened less than a week ago of writing these words, but I can still feel a HUGE difference inside of me. I feel more at peace. I feel more happy. With these new emotions, I feel I also must do other things. Some more personal than others, but the first thing I feel I must do is...forgive.

I forgive any friends that have left. Especially the recent ones. I don't forgive you because you've asked for it; I forgive you because maybe you will start healing yourself.

I forgive anyone who has ever said or done anything that has hurt. Even if you have purposely hurt me, I still forgive you.

I forgive myself for turning my back on God and forgetting He is the only way to true happiness in my life. I forgive myself for all the scars left on my body and I forgive myself for every self-destructive act and thought.

The second thing I feel I must do is...give thanks. I thank those friends for the memories and for helping me with my growth. I thank my family for staying next to me and for trying to understand where I was. I thank myself for finally seeing the truth. I thank Craft Fair Games for helping me begin this journey.

I thank God, most of all. His hand was and is always there reaching through the darkness. He is the one that brought me to the friends and He gave me my family. He led me to Craft Fair Games which helped me get back into the things I love like writing and horror. He gave me my dog who I love so dearly.

Most importantly, He gave me and all of us, His son to die for our sins. He gave us our eternal life. I thank God for every experience. Even the hardships because they've made me stronger. Now, I'm ready to be back in His light and help it spread to every inch of darkness.

Link to YouTube video:

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