Saturday, April 4, 2020

Lies & Help

Have you ever thought about how many lies you've been told? Like, maybe the friend that told you they wanted to hang out with you but in reality they really don't. They're just being "nice." Or maybe when even a family member tells you that they love you, but in reality they're only saying that because you're related and they feel "obligated" to say it. Maybe a person tells you that they miss you, but in reality they only thought about you because you're the one who messaged them first.

I think about this very often. Maybe I have trust issues or maybe I'm just scared of being hurt. Call it whatever you want. All I want to say is, if you don't want to hang out with the person, don't make plans and then cancel. If you don't miss the person or love the person, don't tell them that you do. You can cause more heartbreak and hurt with words than you think. You could be the reason they go home and cut themselves or take too many pills or just flat out commit suicide.

Also, if you see someone hurting, don't be afraid to ask them what's wrong or ask if they need anything. That means so much more than you think. A simple act of kindness can change so much in a persons life. Would you want someone to know you're hurting and just walk away? I can answer that for, you wouldn't. No one wants to feel like they're alone. So, why would you just walk away from someone who's hurting when you wouldn't want that done to you. Even if the person says nothing and that they don't want to talk about it, you took the chance and they'll remember it and it'll possibly help them in the future and you'll know that you tried to take that step.

All I ask, is that you try. Try to help people. Try to show people you care. Try to make a positive impact. You may be the only positive thing a person will see that day or will ever see in their lifetime.

NOTE: I wrote this in 2017, when I didn’t want to make to even the next day (that’s why birthdays are so important to me). I was in a dark place. Even with all the dark stuff I shared, it seemed no one was listening.

That’s why I wrote this. Because I know what it’s like to not be listened to. But now? I found my own path out of that darkness, I still have bad days, but everyone does, I urge you to please, please listen to the others. I am okay, I’m happy. I share darker things now, to show you never know what’s going on in someone’s head. Because I USED to be there.

There are people out there who on the edge, and I made a promise after I finally stepped back from the edge myself, that I would do my best help others get off that edge.

I am here for you. No matter what.

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